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How to Avoid Knee Pain

How to Avoid Knee Pain

Did you know nearly 25% of American adults struggle with knee pain? At Ortho 1 Medical Group with offices in Chula Vista and La Jolla, California, we specialize in diagnosing and treating knee pain triggered by many causes. 

But our knee specialists know you’d rather avoid knee pain than cope with it. That’s why we’ve gathered our top tips for keeping your knees healthy and pain free. Keep reading to learn what you need to know. 

1. Don’t sit too much

Your body wasn’t designed to sit for long periods with your legs bent (like when you sit in a chair). This position strains and stretches the ligaments and muscles that work your knees. To avoid knee pain, try to limit how long you sit. Take frequent moving breaks if you have a job or hobby that requires sitting at a desk or table. 

2. Get more support

When you don’t wear supportive shoes, your knees and other joints suffer. If your shoes have well-designed inserts, on the other hand, the shock of your feet hitting the ground gets absorbed before it can travel to your knee. Be sure to purchase shoes with high-quality inserts or buy separate inserts. Your knees will thank you. 

3. Increase physical activity

Exercise plays an important role in the health of your knees, including:

Regular exercise also reduces your risk and slows the progression of osteoarthritis, which is often the root cause of knee pain in older adults. 

You don’t need to become a gym rat to enjoy the benefits of exercise. Avoid knee pain by adopting an active lifestyle. Perform low-impact activities like walking, swimming, yoga, and tai chi on a regular basis, to keep knee pain at bay.

4. Don’t overdo it

Exercise is a key part of maintaining knee health and avoiding knee pain. But overdoing it isn’t. If you’re engaged in any physical activity but ignore the warning signals your knees send, you end up with knee pain. And you might even cause lasting damage to these important joints. Be sure to listen to your body!

5. Attain a healthy weight

Being overweight or obese is never good for your health. It’s especially tough on your joints because extra weight adds additional strain on them. For every extra pound you carry, your knees experience four additional pounds of pressure. If you want to avoid knee pain, attaining a healthy weight makes a big difference to your knees. 

6. See a knee specialist

If you have any issue with your knees, don’t wait to see a knee specialist. Seeing a provider early helps avoid complications down the line. If you have a knee condition, getting the right diagnosis is essential for preventing a chronic problem. The providers at Ortho 1 Medical Group expertly diagnose your condition and create a customized treatment plan.

At Ortho 1 Medical Group, we have the expertise to diagnose your knee pain and get you back on your feet faster. If you’re ready to end your knee pain, schedule an appointment at one of our Southern California offices today.

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