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ACL Repair Specialist

Ortho 1 Medical Group

Orthopedic Specialists located in San Diego, CA & Coronado, CA

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) suffers injury more often than the other ligaments in the knee. When it’s torn, chances are you’ll need an ACL repair. At Ortho 1 Medical Group, the team of orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine specialists have years of experience using arthroscopic ACL repair. Their goal is to help their patients regain their ligament strength and return to competitive sports. Call the office in San Diego, Chula Vista, La Jolla, or Coronado, California, today or use the online booking feature to schedule an appointment.

ACL Repair Q&A

What is an ACL repair?

An ACL repair is a surgical procedure to reconstruct the torn ligament. Your ACL connects your lower thigh (femur) to the upper shinbone (tibia), stabilizing your knee as you move in ways that rotate or twist the joint.

ACL tears often happen during sports activities when you:

  • Make a sudden stop
  • Change direction quickly
  • Land a jump improperly
  • Pivot or sidestep
  • Stop abruptly when running
  • Overextend your knee while running

Though less common, a direct hit to your knee can also tear the ACL.

When do I need an ACL repair?

If you have a partially torn ligament and your joint is stable, you might not need surgery. But a complete tear won’t regain its strength without surgical repair. Your risk of developing chronic joint instability increases significantly when you allow a partial tear to heal on its own.

The decision to have surgery comes down to the extent of the tear and, most importantly, the level of activity you want to regain:

Type of tear

Ortho 1 Medical Group recommends surgical repair when you have a partial tear with joint instability or a complete tear.

Activity level

You should consider surgery if you want to return to competitive sports, engage in moderate to intense physical activity, or have a job that requires pivoting and turning.

What happens during an ACL repair?

Ortho 1 Medical Group has extensive experience performing arthroscopic ACL repairs. As a minimally invasive procedure, arthroscopy uses several small incisions rather than one long, open incision.

Your surgeon inserts the arthroscope through one incision. The scope sends enhanced images to a monitor, allowing your surgeon to closely examine the tissues before starting surgery.

When repairing a ruptured ACL, your surgeon doesn’t just stitch it together. Reconnecting the ligament doesn’t last over time or as you return to intense activity. Instead, they rebuild the ligament using a small piece of tendon. The piece of tendon comes from either another part of your body or a donor.

In most cases, your surgeon removes a small piece of your hamstring, quadriceps, or patellar tendon.

After inserting a narrow surgical drill through another incision, your surgeon drills tiny holes in both leg bones, then threads the tendon through the openings. The surgeon secures the tendon with screws or staples. Your ACL repair recreates the same position, angle, and strength as the original ligament.

If you suffer from knee pain or instability, call Ortho 1 Medical Group or book an appointment online today to find out if your ACL has been damaged and needs repair.